Ntt Laboratories | 論文
- C-3-76 ナノギャップ伝搬光の特性解析
- C-3-74 FDTD 法による表面プラズモンポラリトン波の解析
- C-3-76 近赤外領域における金属光導波路の伝播特性
- E2-A New 128-Bit Block Cipher(Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security)
- Special Issue on Network Operations and Management
- A Summary of Security Protocol on VOD(Report of DAVIC (Digital Audio-Visual Council) held in Waseda Univ.)
- Fraction of Interstitialcy Component of Phosphorus and Antimony Diffusion in Silicon
- Fraction of Interstitialcy Component of Phosphorus and Antimony Diffusion in Silicon
- Remarks on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problems(Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security)
- Simulation of 2-Dimensional Hole Gas for PMOS Devices with Phosphorus Pile-Up
- Characterization of Phosphorus Pile-Up at the SiO_2/Si Interface
- Chemical State of Phosphorus at the Silicon Surface
- C-3-77 光集積回路の光配線に適する金属/誘電体導波路の試作と損失測定
- A Remark on the MOV Algorithm for Non-supersingular Elliptic Curves (Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
- 超高速パルスレーザを用いたチャネル間隔可変多波長光源に関する検討
- C-3-59 金属磁性による非相反SPPモード(導波路デバイス(2),C-3.光エレクトロニクス,一般講演)
- SC-5-5 金属光導波路におけるSPP-mode伝播損失の評価(SC-5.新技術・新材料の光デバイスへの応用)
- 超微細光回路に向けたプラズモンモード金属光導波路
- 高密度光集積回路へ向けた金属光配線技術
- Strict Evaluation of the Maximum Average of Differential Probability and the Maximum Average of Linear Probability (Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security)