Ntt Corporation | 論文
- Ring signatures: universally composable definitions and constructions (特集:情報システムを支えるコンピュータセキュリティ技術の再考)
- Development of Multi Channel Ad-Hoc Network System
- Flexible Allocation of Optical Access Network Resources Using Constraint Satisfaction Problem(Network Management/Operation)
- Introduction to the Functional Architecture of NGN(Advanced Transfer Technologies for the Next Generation Network)
- P.50 : PDLC on Light Guide for Large-Area Displays(OPTICS)(Report on 20th IDRC)
- 1 bit compressed sensing using partial random circulant measurement matrix for Flexible Wireless System
- 1 bit compressed sensing using partial random circulant measurement matrix for Flexible Wireless System
- 1 bit compressed sensing using partial random circulant measurement matrix for Flexible Wireless System
- LAD3-2 High-pixel-density module using PNLC on light guide for high-definition large-area displays(Report on AD/IDW'01)
- A Band-Divided Receiver Prototype for Wideband Optical Signals
- Arbre : A File System for Untrusted Remote Block-level Storage(High Reliability)
- Access Control Scheme for Fairness Throughput under Capture Effect and Hidden Terminal Problem
- A Low-Noise, High-Gain Quasi-Millimeter-Wave Receiver MMIC with a Very High Degree of Integration Using 3D-MMIC Technology
- Deployment of OpenFlow/SDN Technologies to Carrier Services