Ntt Basic Research Laboratories | 論文
- 親密度別単語了解度試験用音声データセット2007(FW07)の作成(福祉と知能・情動・認知障害,福祉と音声処理,一般)
- Theoretical Study of Epitaxial Graphene Growth on SiC(0001) Surfaces
- TEM Moire Pattern and Scanning Auger Electron Microscope Analysis of Anomalous Si Incorporation into MBE-grown Ge on Si(111)
- Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Studies of Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces
- Impact of Thermal Nitridation on Microscopic Stress-Induced Leakage Current in Sub-10-nm Silicon Dioxides
- 親密度別単語了解度試験用音声データセット2007(FW07)の作成(福祉と知能・情動・認知障害,福祉と音声処理,一般)
- 対乳児音声の発声速度の長期的変化
- AS-7-5 高齢者の音声単語了解度(AS-7.円滑なコミュニケーションと感情,シンポジウム)
- 音声単語認知の加齢変化(福祉と知能・情動・認知障害,福祉と音声処理,一般)
- 音声単語認知の加齢変化(福祉と知能・情動・認知障害,福祉と音声処理,一般)
- 音声単語認知の加齢変化(福祉と知能・情動・認知障害,福祉と音声処理,一般)
- 語音聴取域値に基づいたFW03単語音声の聴感レベル校正
- 微小くし型電極における流れ系での電気化学的応答
- 763-nm Laser Light Source for Oxygen Monitoring Using Second Harmonic Generation in Direct-Bonded Quasi-Phase-Matched LiNbO_3 Ridge Waveguide(Lasers, Quantum Electronics)
- Synthesis of Superconducting T'-(La_Ce_x)_2CuO_4
- Preparation and Superconducting Properties of La_(Ca_Sr_y)_Cu_2O_
- Crystal Structure of Low Oxygen-Defect Tetragonal Ba_2YCu_3O_
- Crystal Structure and Superconducting Properties of BaPb_Bi_xCu_yO_
- A Photoemission Study of Al and Au Overlayers on Se/GaAs(100)
- Selective, Maskless Growth of InSb on Selenium-Treated GaAs by Molecular Beam Epitaxy