Ntt Basic Research Laboratories | 論文
- 受容体タンパク質の一分子観察
- Microscopic Observations of Single-Electron Island in Si Single-Electron Transistors
- Threshold Voltage of Si Single-Electron Transistor
- NOマイクロセンサーの中枢神経領域におけるin vivo応用
- NQR and NMR of ^La in Antifrromagnetic La_2CuO_
- Angle-Resolved Inverse Photoemission Spectra of Layered 1T-VSe_2,1T-TiS_2,IT-TaS_2,2H-NbSe_2 and 2H-TaSe_2
- Photoemission Studies of Mo_6Se_8, Ru_Mo_Se_8 and Nb_Mo_Se_8
- Novel Formation Method of Quantum Dot Structures by Self-Limited Selective Area Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Fabrication of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Dots by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy on Patterned GaAs Substrates
- Hydrogen Passivation of Polysilicon Thin-Film Tramsistors by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma
- Magnetic and Electric Field Effects of Photoluminescence of Excitons Bound to Nitrogen Atom Pairs in GaAs
- Field Effect of Photoluminescence from Excitons Bound to Nitrogen Atom Pairs in GaAs
- Field Effect Photoluminescence from Excitons Bound to Nitrogen Pairs in GaAs
- Electrochemical Monitoring of Glutamate Release at Multiple Positions in a Rat Hippocampal Slice
- Direct Evidence of the Anisotropic Structure of Vortices Interacting with Columnar Defects in High-Temperature Superconductors through the Analysis of Lorentz Images
- Development of a 1 MV field-emission transmission electron microscope
- Formation of Cubic GaN on (111)B GaAs by Metal-Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy with Dimethylhydrazine
- Transmission Electron Microscope Observation of Cubic GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy with Dimethylhydrazine on (001) GaAs
- Supercurrent-Controlled Multiple-Beam Interference of Andreev-Reflected Quasiparticle Waves
- Josephson π States