Nikon Corp. Tokyo Jpn | 論文
- 対物外アポディゼーション位相差顕微鏡を用いた細胞核の微細構造の観察
- 1P342 対物外アポディゼーション位相差顕微鏡の作成と生細胞観察への適用(バイオイメージング))
- アポディゼーション位相差法による生体試料の可視化(イメージング)
- 2P157 アポディゼーション位相差顕微鏡法による、アクチンの網目の直接観察(細胞生物的課題 : 接着・運動・骨格・伝達・膜)
- アポディゼーション位相差法による成長円錐のアクチンの網目と小胞のリサイクルの直接観察
- Temperature Dependence of the Ideality Factor of Ba_K_xBiO_3/Nb-doped SrTiO_3 All-Oxide-Type Schottky Junctions
- Effect of the Field Dependent Permittivity and Interfacial Layer on Ba_K_xBi0_3/Nb-Doped SrTi0_3 Schottky Junctions
- 光学顕微鏡における位相物体観察法
- Space-Group Determination of a New Superconductor (Nd_Sr_Ce_)_2CuO_ Using Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction
- Superconductivity in the Nd-Sr-Ce-Cu-O System : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- 新しいタイプの偏光顕微鏡とアポディゼーション位相差顕微鏡 (特集 肉眼視にとってかわるデジタル光学顕微鏡)
- Analysis of Confocal Push-Pull Detection of Tracking-error Signalsof Optical Disk Player
- A Monolithic Confocal Laser Coupler For an Optical Pick-up
- Electroplated Reflection Masks for Soft X-Ray Projection Lithography
- Preparation and Characterization of V_2O_3 Powder and Film
- Study of the Tunneling Characteristics of Ba_K_xBiO_3 Superconducting Thin Films Based on the Gap-Energy Distribution Model
- Characterization of Ba_K_xBiO_3 Superconducting Thin Films for Three-Terminal Devices
- Preparation and Characteristics of a Superconducting Base Transistor with an Au/Ba_K_xBiO_3/Niobium-Doped SrTiO_3 Structure
- Junction Characteristics of an Au/Ba_K_xBiO_3/Niobium-Doped SrTiO_3 Structure
- Property and Structure of YBa_2Cu_3O_-Nb_2O_5 Composite