New York University School of Medicine | 論文
- Development of the Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory for Adolescents : The QOLIE-AD-48
- 2 The Regression of Atherosclerosis : Insights from Mouse Models and Imaging Techniques(AHA-JCS Joint Symposium (AHA-JCS Joint Symposium) (IHD) Vulnerable Plaques : Pathogenesis and Noninvasive Approaches to Detection,Special Program,The 72nd Annual Scien
- The Treatment of Nonepileptic Seizures : Historical Perspectives and Future Directions
- Preface
- Regression of Plaques : Role of HDL(Novel Aspects for Acute Coronary Syndrome(IHD),Featured Research Session,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Point of View
- Effect of Acculturation on Objective Measures of Oral Health in Haitian Immigrants in New York City
- Hedgehog signaling is essential for normal wound healing