Nec Corp. | 論文
- A-4-13 縦続接続形適応ノッチフィルタに関する検討
- バイアス誤差を低減した縦続接続形適応ノッチフィルタ
- 負電圧ワード線方式におけるサブワードドライバ回路の検討
- Wide-Area Mapping of 155 Micron Continuum Emission from the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex
- Special Issue on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering
- Overtaking Vehicle Detection Method and Its Implementation Using IMAPCAR Highly Parallel Image Processor
- Full Chip Circuit/Substrate Macro Modeling Method Which Controls the Analysis Accuracy and CPU Time by Using Current Density
- A New Silicon Audio Player Based on an MPEG/Audio Decoder LSI
- A-102 THE SILICON AUDIO : A Portable MPEG/Audio Decoder with a Semiconductor Memory Card
- 時分割多値センス方式を用いた4Gb DRAM
- 4GビットDRAM (半導体デバイス特集) -- (コンピュ-タ関連デバイス)
- Efficient Identity-Based Encryption with Tight Security Reduction(Information Theory and Its Applications)
- Searchable Public-key Broadcast Encryption
- A-4-27 コードサイズを削減するDSPのループ処理機構
- ソフトウェアMPEG-2デコーダにおける並列逆量子化の一検討
- A Relocation Method for Circuit Modifications(Circuit Synthesis,VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- 2P2-3F-B1 パーソナルロボット PaPeRo における自発的な行動メカニズム
- Generation of the Hichart Program Diagrams
- Fast On-Chip Inductance Extraction of VLSI Including Angled Interconnects
- Annealed Character of Spin Clusters in Ising Spin Systems : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics