Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci. | 論文
- Identification of responsible gene and aberration of V(D)J recombination for radiosensitive mouse cell line SX9.
- Genomic structure of the murine DNA-PKcs gene.
- Analysis of Initial Events in Radiation-Induced Lymphomagenesis (II) : InvestigatioR of Chromosome Aberrations Including Translocations
- Marked Enhancement by Fish Meal of Helicobacter pylori-induced Gastritis in Mongolian Gerbils
- Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in Radiosensitive Murine Thymoma Cell Line 3SB
- UV-lnduced Apoptosis in Thymic Lymphoma Cells : Cell Cycle uependency.
- Effects of Serine Protease Inhibitors on the Radiation-induced Apoptosis in Thymocytes and Lymphoma Cells.
- Control of GVHD by sIL-1R and anti-IFN-γ
- Control of endotoxin shock by OK-432
- Radioprotective effect of coabination treatment of G-CSF and IL-i or OK-432 on mice after irradiation.
- Radio-protective effect of combination therapy with G-CSF and OX-432 on mouse after irradiation.
- Physical and Metabolic Characteristics in Japanese:Measurement of Urinary Excretion of ^Th and ^U in Adult Subjects by ICP-MS
- O-06. Chromosome aberrations in the lymphocytes of residents in the high background radiation area in Guangdong province in China(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- OH-induced free radicals in PolyA/PolyU : ESR and spin-trapping study
- Chromosomal assignment of the gene for human DNA-PKcs interacting protein (KIP) on chromosome 15q24.3-q26.1 by somatic hybrid analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization
- Molecular analysis of FRA16B at 16q22.1 in Japanese population.
- Molecular analysis of FRA8E at 8q24.1
- RBE for scid cells irradiated with high LET radiations
- Tetrodecamycin and Dihydrotetrodecamycin, New Antimicrobial Antibiotics against Pasteurella piscicida Produced by Streptomyces nashvillensis MJ885-mF8 II.Structure Determination
- Pyralomicins, New Antibiotics from Actinomadura spiralis