Natl. Inst Radiolog. Sci. | 論文
- Ingestion and body content of elements of importance in radiological protection 1. Sr content in bone.
- Monitoring of Environmental Radioactivity by Imaging Plate
- Survey of external dose around JCO facility using sugars and ESR method
- Concentrations of Radionuclides in Plant Samples Collected Around the Uranium Conversion Facility Following the Tokai-mura Criticality Accident.
- Levels of β-ray Emitters in Plant Samples Collected around the Uranium Conversion Facility after the Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements (REEs), U and Th in Soil Samples of Bryansk region contaminated due to Chemobyl Accident
- Effects of Metallothionein on Environmental Contaminants in Bioorganism
- Physical and Metabolic Characteristics in Japanese:Measurement of Urinary Excretion of ^Th and ^U in Adult Subjects by ICP-MS
- Accurate determination of uranium isotope ratios in soil samples affected due to Chernobyl accident usingthermal ionisation mass spectrometry
- Compilation of anatomical, physiological and metabolic characteristics for a Reference Asian Man-IAEA-TECDOC-1005
- Detection of 236U and variation of uranium isotope composition in the soil samples affected by the JCO criticality accident
- Iodine in take for Ukrainian in contaminated areas due to the Chernobyl accident.
- Estimation of Individual External Dose for Inhabitants in Contaminated area of Bryansk Region, Russia and Depth Distribution of ^Cs Contamination in Soil Samples from Their Living Environment
- Dietary intake of bromine for Ukrainian subjects
- Radloactivities in imported foods. Part 1. Concentrations of ^Th and ^U in mineral water
- Daily intake of major and trace elements in residents of Gomel oblast, Belarus
- Dose Estimation of Protracted Extemal Exposure of Inhabitants Living in Contaminated Area after The Chemobyl Accident