National Research Institute Of Far Seas Fisheries | 論文
- Molecular attempt to identify prey organisms of lobster phyllosoma larvae
- Decadal change in the diets of the surface migratory myctophid fish Myctophum nitidulum in the Kuroshio region of the western North Pacific: Predation on sardine larvae by myctophids
- Formation Process of North Pacific Intermediate Water Revealed by Profiling Floats Set to Drift of on 26.7σ_θ Isopycnal Surface
- Primary Productivity and Solar Radiation off Sanriku in May 1997
- Feeding habits of Baird's beaked whale Berardius bairdii, in the western North Pacific and Sea of Okhotsk off Japan
- 伊勢・三河湾におけるスナメリ目視調査 (総特集 スナメリ)
- Latitudinal variation in birth dates of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) in captivity
- Developing a management procedure robust to uncertainty for southern bluefin tuna : a somewhat frustrating struggle to bridge the gap between ideals and reality
- Diving behaviour of a Baird's beaked whale, Berardius bairdii, in the slope water region of the western North Pacific : first dive records using a data logger
- Comparison of Lipid Components between Two Species of Sand Lance, Ammodytes hexapterus and Ammodytes personatus, in Northern Hokkaido
- 冬季ベーリング海盆におけるマイクロ,ナノ,ピコプランクトンのクロロフィルaおよび基礎生産力の地域差について
- Temporal changes in marine environments in the Antarctic Peninsula area during the 1994/95 austral summer
- 小型鯨類の管理 (特集 鯨類の持続的利用は可能か)
- Satellite tracking of young Steller sea lion off the coast of northern Hokkaido
- Surface distribution and abundance of small-sized phytoplankton in the western and central subarctic North Pacific and the Bering Sea in winter
- Larval development and spawning ecology of euphausiids in the Ross Sea and its adjacent waters in 2004/05
- Discrimination between Atlantic and Pacific Subspecies of Northern Bluefin Tuna(Thunnus thynnus)by Magnetic-Capture Hybridization Using Bacterial Magnetic Particles
- 我が国沿岸における小型歯鯨類の生物学的特性値 : ハナゴンドウを中心に
- 日本近海の小型鯨類
- Characteristics of SSH Anomaly Based on TOPEX/POSEIDON Altimetry and in situ Measured Velocity and Transport of Oyashio on OICE