National Research Institute Of Brewing | 論文
- PAD1 and FDC1 are essential for the decarboxylation of phenylacrylic acids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae(BREWING AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY)
- Elevated Expression of Genes under the Control of Stress Response Element (STRE) and Msn2p in an Ethanol-Tolerance Sake Yeast Kyokai No. 11(BREWING AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY)
- Disruption of ubiquitin-related genes in laboratory yeast strains enhances ethanol production during sake brewing(BREWING AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY)
- Overexpression of MSN2 in a sake yeast strain promotes ethanol tolerance and increases ethanol production in sake brewing(BREWING AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY)
- 2Lp17 Botrytis cinerea由来ラッカーゼのPichia pastorisによる高生産(培養工学,一般講演)
- 糸状菌を用いた黒糖焼酎蒸留粕の脱色排水処理
- Cloning and characterization of a novel phytase from wastewater treatment yeast Hansenula fabianii J640 and expression in Pichia pastoris(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 2Fp17 Lipomyces starkeyiのジャーファーメンターでの油脂生産(発酵生理学・発酵工学,一般講演)
- 1P048 CLE酵素による生分解性プラスチックの分解機構(蛋白質(機能),ポスター発表,第45回日本生物物理学会年会)
- FLO11 Is the Primary Factor in Flor Formation Caused by Cell Surface Hydrophobicity in Wild-Type Flor Yeast
- Characterization of Oriental Cultivars of Grapevine Using a Reference Allele System of Microsatellite Data and Assignment Test
- 酵母による木質系バイオマスの軽油代替燃料変換に関する研究開発 (特集 NEDOによるバイオマスエネルギー等高効率転換技術開発(1))
- Diversity Analysis of Actinomycetes Assemblages Isolated from Soils in Cool-temperate and Subtropical Areas of Japan
- S19159, a Modulator of Neurite Outgrowth Produced by the Ascomycete Preussia aemulans II. Structure Elucidation
- 平成19年度における酒類の研究業績
- 1Ep03 S-アデノシルメチオニンの酵母における蓄積機構及び安定化に関する研究(発酵生理学,発酵工学,一般講演)
- Multidrug Resistance Phenotype Conferred by Overexpressing bfr2^+/pad1^+/sks1^+or pap1^+Genes and Mediated by bfr1^+Gene Product, a Structural and Functional Homologue of P-Glycoprotein in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- Effect of steam explosion pretreatment on treatment with Pleurotus ostreatus for the enzymatic hydrolysis of rice straw(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- PAD1 and FDC1 are essential for the decarboxylation of phenylacrylic acids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- セルローステクノロジー セルロース系バイオマスからの軽油代替燃料油の生産