National Nano Device Lab. | 論文
- Mechanism and Modeling of Ring Pattern Formation for Electron Beam Exposure on Zwitterresist
- Interfacial Abruptness in Si/SiGe Heteroepitaxy Grown by Ultrahigh Vacuum Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Effectiveness of NH_3 Plasma Treatment in Preventing Wet Stripper Damage to Low-K Hydrogen Silsesquioxane (HSQ) : Semiconductors
- Electrical Detection of Protein Using Gold Nanoparticles and Nanogap Electrodes
- Room Temperature Operation of a Coulomb Blockade Sensor Fabricated by Self-Assembled Gold Nanoparticles using Deoxyribonucleic Acid Hybridization
- Preparation of Silver Nanorods by Rapid Microwave Heating
- Enhanced Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Mask Inspection Contrast Using Fabry-Perot Type Antireflective Coating
- Diluted Low Dielectric Constant Materials as Bottom Antireflective Coating Layers for both KrF and ArF Lithography Processes
- Thermal Flow and Chemical Shrink Techniques for Sub-100 nm Contact Hole Fabrication in Electron Beam Lithography
- Reduction Substrate Alkaline Contamination by Utilizing Multi-Layer Bottom Antireflective Coating Structures in ArF Lithography
- Low Dielectric Constant Polymer Materials as Bottom Antirefiective Coating Layers for both KrF and ArF Lithography
- Effects of Fluorine Incorporation on the Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability (NBTI) of P-Channel MOSFETs
- Effects of Fluorine Incorporation on the Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability (NBTI) of P-Channel MOSFETs
- Reduction of Off-State Leakage Current in Schottky Barrier Thin-Film Transistors (SBTFT) by a Field-Induced Drain
- Enhanced Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability of P-Channel Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Transistors due to Plasma Charging Damage
- Conduction Mechanisms for Off-State Leakage Current of Schottky Barrier Thin-Film Transistors (SBTFT)
- Post-Soft-Breakdown Characteristics of Deep Sub-Micron NMOSFETs with Ultra-Thin Gate Oxide
- Enhanced Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability of P-Channel MOSFET by Plasma Charging Damage
- Separation and Study of the Optical Properties of Silver Nanocubes by Capillary Electrophoresis
- Characterizing Optical Properties of Self-Assembled Gold Nanoparticles for Surface Plasmon Resonance Device Applications