National Museum of Japanese History | 論文
- Ancient DNA Reveals Genetic Lineage of Sus scrofa among Archaeological Sites in Japan
- Variations in Mitochondrial DNA of Dogs from Archaeological Sites in Japan and NeighbouringIslands
- Genetic Variation of the Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome b Region in Japanese Native Dog Breeds (Canis familiaris)(Genetics)
- Observation of Allende and Antarctic meteorites by monochromatic X-ray CT based on synchrotron radiation
- Magnetic and metallographical studies of the Bocaiuva iron meteorite
- Magnetic analyses of new Antarctic iron meteorites
- The middle Pleistocene Matsugae fauna, northern Kyushu, West Japan
- Traces of sea mammals on pottery from the Hamanaka 2 archaeological site, Rebun Island, Japan : Implications from sterol analysis, stable isotopes, and radiocarbon dating
- Chemical Separation for 63Ni Measurement
- Individual Variations in Fishing Activity with Respect to Household Food Consumption Pattern on Pam Island, Papua New Guinea
- Subsistence Ecology of the Slash and Mulch Cultivating Method : Empirical Study in the Great Papuan Plateau of Papua New Guinea
- Changes in micropores in dry wood with elapsed time in the environment
- Difference in radiocarbon ages of carbonized material from the inner and outer surfaces of pottery from a wetland archaeological site
- Development of Nondestructive and Quantitative Elemental Analysis Method Using Calibration Curve between Muonic X-ray Intensity and Elemental Composition in Bronze
- 255 Utilization of pant foods and the earliest Jomon pottery in the late Glacial Period