National Laboratory for High Energy Physics | 論文
- Large Mass Scale by Strong Gauge Dynamics with Infrared Fixed Point(Particles and Fields)
- Recent H-mode Results on ECH Plasmas in Heliotron J
- Coaxial Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopic System for Impurity Diagnostics in Plasmas
- 高不純物濃度SOI基板のゼーベック係数(ナノ機能性1,機能ナノデバイス及び関連技術)
- Studies on Radioimmunoassay for Methamphetamine Excreted in Human Urine
- メタンフェタミンの光学異性体に対する抗体の特異性について
- Study of π^+π^- Pair Production in a Two-Photon Process at TRISTAN : VENUS Collaboration
- New Limits on Neutral Scalar Bosons
- Measurement of the Reactions e^+e^-→e^+e^- and e^+e^-→γγ at √=52 GeV
- Search for the Top Quark in e^+e^- Annihilation at √=50 GeV:The First Result from the VENUS Detector at TRISTAN
- Submillimeter Wave ESR Study of Magnetic Excitations in the Ising Ferromagnetic Chain CoNb_2O_6
- シリコンを用いた単電子冷却デバイスの研究(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- シリコンを用いた単電子冷却デバイスの研究(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- シリコンを用いた単電子冷却デバイスの研究(結晶成長,評価及びデバイス(化合物,Si,SiGe,電子・光材料))
- 高不純物濃度SOI基板のゼーベック係数(ナノ機能性1,機能ナノデバイス及び関連技術)
- Gene Silencing of Tead3 Abrogates Radiation-induced Adaptive Response in Cultured Mouse Limb Bud Cells
- Optical and Photoelectrical Studies of Electronic Structure of R_3Au_3Sb_4 (R=La, Ce and Pr)
- Optical Observation of Energy Gap of R_3Au_3Sb_4 (R=La, Ce)
- Circular Magnetic X-Ray Dichroism at the K-Absorption Edge in Fe-Ni Alloys
- Interference of Nuclear Bragg Scattered X-Rays in X-Ray Interferometer with Large Optical Path Difference