National Laboratory for High Energy Physics | 論文
- Adsorption of Atomic Hydrogen on Ag-Covered 6H-SiC(0001) Surface
- Local Modes and Hydrogen Potentials in Metal Hydrides
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of CsCo_xMg_Cl_3 and the Determination of Exchange Interactions
- Diffuse Phase Transition and Anisotropic Evolution of Nanodomains in Nd_Sr_MnO_3(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Photoacoustic EXAFS of Solid Phase
- Energy Spectrum of Ultra High Energy γ-Rays from Supernova
- Spallation Neutron Measurement by the Time-of-Flight Method with a Short Flight Path
- Crystal Structure of Ba_2ErCu_3O_ Determined by Neutron Powder Diffraction
- Crystal Structure of Ba_2HoCu_3O_ Determined by Neutron Powder Diffraction
- Effects of Resonant Matter Oscillation in Earth on Solar Neutrino Detection
- F-K XANES Studies of Alkaline-Earth Fluorides
- Dynamical Likelihood Method for Reconstruction of Events with Missing Momentum. III. Analysis of a CDF High P_T eμ Event as tt^^-Production
- パルスレーザー蒸着法による高誘電率薄膜の作製と電気的特性
- Synchrotron Plane Wave X-Ray Topography of 6 inch Diameter Si Crystal
- Generation Rule of the Slip Dislocation in LEC GaAs Crystal
- The Effect of Reduction of Dislocation Density on the Lattice Distortions in Undoped GaAs Single Crystal Grown by LEC Method
- X-Ray Topography Examination of Lattice Distortions in LEC-Grown GaAs Single Crystals
- Performance and Radiation Damage of a Lead/Scintillator Calorimeter
- Recent Results on 500 MHz Superconducting Cavities at KEK
- First Results on a 500 MHz Superconducting Test Cavity for TRISTAN