National Laboratory for High Energy Physics(KEK) | 論文
- Quantization of a Spin-3/2 Field Interacting with the Electromagnetic Field
- The Second Rank Tensor Field, a Systematic Study : Classification of the Second Rank Tensor Field Theories : Particles and Fields
- Conformal Field Theory Approach to One-Dimensional Quantum Liquids
- Radiative Corrections in a Strong Magnetic Field
- Lagrangians for Massive Totally Antisymmetric Tensor Fields : Particles and Fields
- Notes on the BNL Event of "ΔS/ΔQ"=-1 Process
- The Tenth Constraint in the Minimally Coupled Spin-2 Wave Equation
- Cosmological Constraints on the Mass and the Number of Heavy Lepton Neutrinos
- Remarks on Rephasing Invariants of Quark Flavor Mixing
- Nuclear Collision Theory with Many-Body Correlations. I : Formulation : Nuclear Physics
- A Dual Transformation of the Nielsen-Olesen Model
- Each Other's Complementary Massless Theory for Totally Antisymmetric Tensor Gauge Fields : Particles and Fields
- Toward the Origin of Quark Masses and Mixing
- Magnetic "Dipole" Soliton in 5-Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory : Particles and Fields