National Institute Of Genetics | 論文
- Molecular Orientation and Periodical Structure of Vacuum-Deposited Films of Long-Chain Molecules
- 突然変異のクラスター的出現頻度分布の理論〔英文〕
- 集団遺伝学の拡散過程とブラウン運動〔英文〕
- 集団遺伝学における連続確率過程を扱う二,三の方法について(速報)〔英文〕
- カイコにおけるDNA誘起形質転換(速報)〔英文〕
- アルビノ致死蚕の遺伝生化学的研究〔英文〕
- 家蚕幼虫黄体色性の発現機構 特にd-lem遺伝子について〔英文〕
- 家蚕における黄色々素と結合する特異的蛋白〔英文〕
- 家蚕のNl型致死突然変異体に関する研究,特にNl,Nl1およびNl2胚子について〔英文〕
- 家蚕における+lemによるプテリンレダクターゼの母体影響〔英文〕
- A POSSIBLE EVOLUTIONARY ORIGIN OF CARDIAC SYSTEM IN HYDRA(Taxonomy and Systematics)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- The Histological Study of Rat Embryos Culture in Serum-Free Medium AKY-020 : Poster Sessions
- Effects of thalidomide on cultured rat embryos with AKY-020 : Poster Sessions
- Effects of thalidomide on cultured rat embryos : In the case of human lymphoblast microsomes (human UGT1 *6) : Poster Sessions
- Effects of thalidomide on cultured rat embryos with semi fetal calf serum : Papers Presented from Platform
- The study of salicylate-induced cleft lip on cultured rat embryos : The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society
- The use of human serum for rat whole embryo cultures : In the case of 11.5 day rat embryos : The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society
- Rat late embryo culture in a serum free medium (AKY-020) : The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society
- Effects of thiabendazole on cultured rat embryos : The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society
- Rat embryo culture in semi fetal calf serum : The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society