National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology | 論文
- メソポーラスセラミックス担体を用いた microcystin 分解処理システムの開発
- Magnesium-Ion Indiffusion to Lithium Niobate Single-Crystal Fiber with MgF_2 as Diffusion Source
- XPS study of organic/MoO3 hybrid thin films for aldehyde gas sensors: correlation between average Mo valence and sensitivity
- 17-P-40 Effect of Magnetic Field on Thermal Comvection of Glass Melt
- Thermoelectric hydrogen sensors using Si and SiGe thin films with a catalytic combustor
- Pt catalytic effects on a resistive oxygen sensor using Ce0.9Zr0.1O2 thick film in rich conditions
- Ceramic catalyst combustors of Pt-loaded-alumina on microdevices
- ^C CP/MAS NMR Study of Cross-linked Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) on Surface of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles
- Analytical Study of Resistance Drift Phenomena on (PANI)_xMoO_3 Hybrid Thin Films as Gas Sensors
- Controlled Synthesis of Monodispersed Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle Sols Applicable to Preparing Ordered Self-Assemblies
- Monitoring of dispensed fluid with the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) for the better control of inkjet or dispenser machine(Global Innovation in Advanced Ceramics)
- Layered Hybrid Thin Film of Molybdenum Trioxide with Poly(2,5-dimethylaniline) for Gas Sensor Sensitive to VOC Gases in ppm Level
- Catalyst Combustors with B-Doped SiGe/Au Thermopile for Micro-Power-Generation
- Platinum Micro-Hotplates on Thermal Insulated Structure for Micro-Thermoelectric Gas Sensor
- Preparation of Polystyrene and Surfactant Co-intercalated MoO_3 Nano Hybrids and their VOC Gas Sensing Properties
- Synthesis and Gas Sensing Properties of Polypyrrole/MoO_3-Layered Nanohybrids
- 14aQA-7 レーザー・プラズマによる準単色電子ビーム発生(プラズマ基礎・科学 : レーザー応用, 基礎実験, 領域 2)
- 30pWH-4 高密度ガスターゲット中での高強度レーザーの伝播に関する理論解析(プラズマ基礎・科学(超高強度レーザー))(領域2)
- 30pWH-3 レーザーパルスによって高密度ガスターゲット中に生成されたプラズマからの10MeV級電子ビーム放射(プラズマ基礎・科学(超高強度レーザー))(領域2)
- First Results of Magnetized Plasma Flow Injection on the TPE-RX Reversed-Field Pinch