National Inst. Res. In Inorganic Materials Ibaraki Jpn | 論文
- T_c = 113 K Bi-Based Superconductor Prepared by Doping Fluorine
- Low-Temperature Electron Microscopy of a Bi_2(Sr, Ca)_3Cu_2O_x Superconductor
- A High Resolution Lattice Image of Nb_O_ by Means of a High Voltage Electron Microscope Newly Constructed
- A Structural Defect of Natural Magnetite Observed in an Electron Microscope Lattice Image
- In situ high-temperature X-ray observation of crystallization during the fabrication of non-silica(20ZnO-80TeO_2) glass-preform of optical devices
- Preparation of Cubic Boron Nitride Films by RF Sputtering
- Dynamical LEED analysis of Ni2P (0001)-1 x 1 : Evidence for P-covered surface structure
- Control of Fluorocarbon Radicals by On-Off Modulated Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma
- Characteristics of Bending Parts of Metal Plates Using Ultrasonic Bending Systems with a Vibration Punch and a Vibration Die
- Arsenic adsorption on Fe_3O_4 coated boron nitride nanotubes functionalized via sonication and heating method
- Study of Titanium Compounds by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy(EELS)
- Microstructure Formation of Al/TiAl3 Composite Fabricated by Infiltration-combustion Synthesis (特集 多元系混合粉の焼結過程および焼結機構)