National Inst. Of Radiological Sciences | 論文
- Influence of Speciation on Estimation of Behavior of Additional Materials in Terrestrial Biosphere
- Dose Dependency of a Parameter in Logistic Equation Simulating Survival Curves of Irradiated Animals - - IV
- Temporal Variation of Excess Mortality Rate from Solid Tumors in Mice Irradiated at Various Ages with Gamma Rays
- Angular Distribution of Photoneutrons from Copper and Tungsten Targets Bombarded by 18, 28, and 38MeV Electrons
- Radiological Aspects of Using Coal Ash (Slag) in the Building Industry(Part 3 : English)
- Survey of the natural radiation level in volcanic areas. - Surveys in Unzen and Miharayama volcanic areas -
- Intercomparison Exercise of Measurement Techniques for Radon, Radon Decay Products and Their Particle Size Distributions at NIRS
- Bio-kinetics of radon ingested from drinking water
- Effectiveness of Solid Dosimeters for Personal Dose Evaluation under Coexistence of Charged Particles
- Radon Intercomparison Experiment at PTB in Germany
- High Frequency of Simple and Complex Chromosome Aberrations Detected in the Tokai-mura Survivor four and Five Years after the 1999 Criticality Accident
- Soil Solution Ni Concentrations over which K_d is Constant in Japanese Agricultural Soils
- Environmental Radioactivity in Hungary
- Long-Term Effects of Radiation in Laboratory Animals as a Basis of Risk Assessment
- Dose-response Relationship for Life-shortening and Carcinogenesis in Mice Irradiated at Day 7 Postnatal Age with Dose Range below 1 Gy of Gamma Rays
- Dose-response Relationship for Induction of Ovarian Tumors in Mice Irradiated during Prenatal, Early Postnatal and Elder Periods
- 124 Measurements of Cosmic Rays on Aeroplanes by a portable GM counter(Effects of space radiation, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Dose-response Relationship for Lifetime Excess Mortality and Temporal Pattern of Manifestation in Mice Irradiated Neonatally with Gamma Rays
- Differential cross sections on fragment (2≤Z≤9) production for carbon, aluminum and silicon induced by tens-of-MeV protons
- High-Quality Laser-Produced Proton Beam Realized by the Application of a Synchronous RF Electric Field