National Inst. For Materials Sci. Tsukuba Jpn | 論文
- Importance of the Adhesion of HVOF Sprayed Coatings for Aqueous Corrosion Resistance
- Focused ion beam fabrication of field-ion microscope specimens from mechanically milled pearlitic steel powder
- Microstructure-Mechanical Properties Correlation in Ultrafine Grained Steels Processed by Large Strain Warm Deformation
- Effect of SiC and ZrO_2 on sinterability and mechanical properties of Titanium Nitride, Titanium Carbonitride and Titanium Diboride
- Evolution of Fine Ferrite Structure in Continuously Cast 0.1mass%C steel with 100mm-thickness
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Hydrogen-Induced Amorphization: Softening Effect by Incorporation of Hydrogen
- Prediction of Nominal Stress-Strain Curves of a Multi-Layered Composite Material by FE Analysis
- Field Ion Microscopy of C_ Molecules(APFIM/FIM)
- Effect of Shear Strain on the Microstructural Evolution of a Low Carbon Steel during Warm Deformation
- Effect of Strain on Microstructural Evolution under Warm Deformation in an Ultra-Low Carbon Steel
- FCC-BCC Phase Transition in Iron under a Periodic Boundary Condition
- Ni-W Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Duplex Composite Produced by Electrodeposition
- Characterization of Nanocrystal Dispersed Cu_Zr_Ti_ Metallic Glass
- OS6(2)-6(OS06W0420) Nanoindentation Technique as a Probe for Characteristic Deformation Size
- Effect of Contact Depth on Nanohardness Distribution in a SCM440 Tempered Martensitic Steel
- Effects of Silicon and Boron on Oxidation Behavior of Air Plasma Sprayed Fe-based alloy Coatings
- In-Situ Densification of Ti Coatings by the Warm Spray (Two-Stage HVOF) Process
- Structural Elongation and Alignment in an Fe-0.4C Alloy by Isothermal Ferrite Transformation in High Magnetic Fields
- Effects of Magnetic Field and Prior Austenite Grain Size on the Structure Formed by Reverse Transformation from Lath Martensite to Austenite in an Fe-0.4C Alloy
- Effect of Co and Ni on Martensitic Transformation and Magnetic Properties in Fe-Pd Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys