National Insitute for Fusion Science | 論文
- 26pYK-6 異方性弾性論にもとずく転位ループの研究(シミュレーション,転位,点欠陥・照射損傷),領域10,誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性)
- A Shift Down Test of Resonance Frequency for the Cascading Bifurcations to Chaos
- Retention and Desorption of Discharge Gases in Wall Materials Used for Large Helical Device
- Plasma Characteristics of a Large RF-Driven Negative Hydrogen Ion Source
- High-Energy Acceleration of an Intense Negative Ion Beam
- Development of a Large Bucket Plasma Source
- Dependence of Plasma Profiles on Ech Power Absorption in Heliotron-E
- Enhancement and Suppression of Density Fluctuations around Electron Drift Frequency in Heliotron E Plasmas Measured Using CO_2 Laser Phase Contrast Method
- Characteristics of Electron Density Fluctuations in Heliotron E Measured Using a Wide Beam Laser Phase Contrast Method
- Neutron and Fast Atom Spectrometry Using Natural Diamond Detectors
- 25pA7 マイクロ波反射計による密度分布及び振動計測(ヘリカル/計測)
- Possibility of Profile Control using Compact Toroid Injection on Large Helical Device
- Estimation of Electron Temperatures from I-V Characteristics of a Plasma Electrode of a Negative Ion Source
- Production of Diatomic and Triatomic Molecular Negative Ions of Gold and Copper by Sputtering
- Measurement of H^- Density in a Magnetized Plasma
- Glass Formation in a Ni-Based Multicomponent Alloy by Mechanical Milling and Microwave Treatment of The Obtained Powders
- Microwave Sintering of Ni-Based Bulk Metallic Glass Matrix Composite in a Single-Mode Applicator
- Microstructural Changes during Microwave Heating of Ni_Zr_Nb_Ti_Pt_ Metal Glasses
- Direct Extraction of Sodium Negative Ions from Sodium Plasma
- Energy Distribution of Au^- Ions Produced by Sputtering