National Insitute for Fusion Science | 論文
- 27aWJ-13 TST-2球状トカマクにおける電子バーンシュタイン波を用いた加熱電流駆動実験(核融合プラズマ(基礎・応用))(領域2)
- 可視分光法によるHeおよびNeシートプラズマ中のイオン温度測定
- Prevention of Reversed Flow in Gas Divertor with High Vacuum Chamber
- Spectroscopic Measurements of Ion Temperature in Sheet Plasma and String Plasma
- ストリング・プラズマ、シート・プラズマのイオン温度測定
- ストリング・プラズマの分光測定
- Feasibility of Microwave Transmissivity Measurement to Obtain Density Profile of Sheet Plasmas
- Local Impurity Deposition in a Magnetic Island by Means of a Tracer-Encapsulated Solid Pellet in the LHD
- Density Profile Effects On Confinement and MHD Stability of Currentless NBI Plasmas in Heliotron E
- Applicability of Laser Phase Contrast Method for the Measurements of Electron Density Fluctuations in High-Temperature Plasmas
- Reconstruction of Edge-Plasma Density Profiles by Neutral Beam Probe Spectroscopy
- Application of Fraunhofer-Diffraction Method for Measurements of Electron Density Fluctuations in Heliotron E
- Spectrum Identification of Heliotron E Plasma Impurities by a Time-Resolving Grazing Incidence Spectrometer with a Multichannel Detector : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- The Sources of Fe Impurity in Heliotron E Plasma during NBI : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Studies of Particle Behaviour in Heliotron E by Means of Balmer-Alpha Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Neutral Density Measurements by Charge Exchange Analysis on the Heliotron E Plasma
- Two Pulse and Multiple Position Thomson Scattering System
- Analysis of Radial Electric Field Bifurcation in LHD Based on Neoclassical Transport Theory
- Nonthermal Titanium Kα Spectra from Lower-Hybrid-Current-Driven Plasmas in the JIPPT-IIU Tokamak
- Improvement of Magnetohydrodynamic Stability and Beta Limit by Toroidal Plasma Current in Heliotron DR