National Epilepsy Center, Shizuoka Higashi Hospital | 論文
- Overview of NOPACCS(Northwest Pacific Carbon Cycle Study)
- II F6 Immunocytochemical study of surgically resected specimens from patients with dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
- Recommendation of Early Surgery from the Viewpoint of Daily Quality of Life
- Recurrent Postictal Psychosis after Remission of Interictal Psychosis : Further Evidence of Bimodal Psychosis
- Symposium II : Analysis of Seizure Manifestations of "Pure" Frontal lobe Origin
- Clinical Research : Acute Psychosis During Intracranial EEG Monitoring: Close Relationship Between Psychotic Symptoms and Discharges in Amygdala
- Effects of Clobazam and Its Active Metabolite on GABA-Activated Currents in Rat Cerebral Neurons in Culture
- Dilution of North Pacific Intermediate Water Studied with Chlorofluorocarbons
- Development of an Epilepsy Comprehensive Care Center : A Japanese Model
- WS1-4 Development of an epilepsy comprehensive care center, a Japanese model
- Evolution of Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome: A Long-Term Longitudinal Study
- III B18 Long-term prognosis of idiopathic generalized epilepsy
- Chronological progression of a language deficit appearing to be postictally reversible in a patient with symptomatic localization-related epilepsy
- II G8 Nocturnal but not diurnal seizures disrupt slow-wave sleep and REM sleep in a patient with complex partial status epilepticus.
- IV E8 Occupational ability of patients with intractable epilepsy
- Epilepsy in the Elderly
- IV E9 Factors influencing employment status in patients with epilepsy after surgical treatment
- Long-term follow-up study of West syndrome associated with tuberous sclerosis
- Electroclinical and Magnetoencephalographic Analysis of Epilepsy in Patients With Congenital Bilateral Perisylvian Syndrome
- Long-Term Course of West Syndrome Associated with Tuberous Sclerosis