National Defense Acad. Yokosuka Jpn | 論文
- Analytical Modeling of Short-Channel Behavior of Accumulation-Mode Transistors on Silicon-on-Insulator Substrate
- Impact of μA-ON-Current Gate-All-Around TFT (GAT) for Static RAM of 16Mb and beyond
- Impact of μ A-ON-Current Gate All-Around TFT (GAT) for 16MSRAM and Beyond
- An Effective Data Transfer Method for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- Saturation Phenomenon of Stress-Induced Gate Leakage Current
- Advantages of Phase Measurement over Amplitude Measurement of Surface Acoustic Wave Using Optical Probing Method
- Design of CCV Robust Adaptive Flight Control System via Polynomial Algebraic Method
- Design of CCV Flight Control System Having Adaptive Observer
- Electrically Induced Optical Absorption in Al-CuAlS_2-Au Diode
- Near-Infrared Photoluminescence in Mo-Doped Single Crystals of CuAlS_2
- Submicron-Size Fabrication of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x Thin Films by Utilizing Facet Growth
- Anisotropic Transport Properties in Twin-Free Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x Thin Films on Tilted LaAlO_3 (001) Substrates
- Raman Scattering Studies of CuInS_2 Films Grown by RF Ion Plating
- Low-Temperature Deposition of CuIn(S_xSe_)_2 Thin Films by Ionized Cluster Beam Technique
- Growth and Characterization of CuInS_2 Films grown by Rf Ion-Plating
- Surface Plasmon Excitation and Emission Light Property for Otto/Kretschmann Configuration with MEH-PPV Film
- Electrocatalytic Oxidation Properties of Ascorbic Acid at Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Films Studied by Electrochemical-Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy
- Effects of Acoustic Interaction between Transducers in Water on Active Sound Power Reduction
- A New Experimental Geometry of Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA)
- Critical Acoustic Anomaly of a Binary Mixture of Nitroethane and Cyclohexane with Acetone Impurity in the Frequency Range of 0.3-3 MHz : Physical Acoustics