National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | 論文
- 相関器とその制御システム
- Discovery of Molecular Loop 3 in the Galactic Center : Evidence for a Positive-Velocity Magnetically Floated Loop towards L=355°-359°
- Similarity between the Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center and the Solar Chromospheric Arch Filaments
- A Peculiar Jet and Arc of Molecular Gas toward the Rich and Young Stellar Cluster Westerlund 2 and a TeV Gamma Ray Source
- Catalogue of ^CO(J = 1-0) and ^CO(J = 1-0) Molecular Clouds in the Carina Flare Supershell
- Aligned Molecular Clouds towards SS 433 and L = 348°.5 : Possible Evidence for a Galactic "Vapor Trail" Created by a Relativistic Jet
- High-Resolution Studies of the Dense Molecular Cores toward Massive Star-Forming Regions
- Discovery of Interacting Molecular Gas toward the TeV Gamma-Ray Peak of the SNR G 347.3-0.5
- A Large-Scale Study of H^CO^+and C^O (J = 1-0) in Orion B
- The Most Massive C^O Molecular Complex in Centaurus and Star Formation Therein
- A ^CO (J =1-0) Survey of Molecular Clouds toward the Vela Supernova Remnant with NANTEN
- Detection of Eight Molecular Supershells in the Southern Milky Way with NANTEN
- A CO Survey of the LMC with NANTEN : III. Formation of Stellar Clusters and Evolution of Molecular Clouds
- A CO Survey of the LMC with NANTEN : II. Catalog of Molecular Clouds
- Sensitive CO Observations of the LMC Supergiant Shells with NANTEN : Their Effects on the Formation of Molecular Clouds and Stellar Clusters
- First Results of a CO Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud with NANTEN
- On the Mass Spectrum of Giant Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- The Atacama Compact Array (ACA)
- Probable Association of T Tauri Stars with the L 1014 Dense Core
- Solar-Radiation Heating Effects on 3200 Phaethon