National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Iwate Jpn | 論文
- Astrometry of H_2O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA III : IRAS 22198+6336 in Lynds 1204G
- Dual-Beam Delay Calibration for VERA
- Astrometry of H_2O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA II SVS 13 in NGC 1333
- Astrometry of H_2O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA I : IRAS 16293-2422 in ρ Oph East
- Distance to Orion KL Measured with VERA
- Astrometry of Galactic Star-Forming Region Sharpless 269 with VERA : Parallax Measurements and Constraint on Outer Rotation Curve
- Absolute Proper Motions of H_2O Masers Away from the Galactic Plane Measured with VERA in the "Superbubble" Region NGC 281
- 「月惑星探査の来たる10年」公開討論会参加報告
- 高次モードサンプリング法を用いた測地VLBI観測システムの開発
- Spectral-Lag Relations in GRB Pulses Detected with HETE-2
- Search for Outer Massive Bodies around Transiting Planetary Systems : Candidates of Faint Stellar Companions around HAT-P-7
- Time-Resolved Spectral Variability of the Prompt Emission from GRB 070125 Observed with Suzaku/WAM
- Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Nova V2362 Cyg : Rebrightening Event and Dust Formation
- A Search for CO (J = 3-2) Emission from the Host Galaxy of GRB 980425 with the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- VERAが描く銀河系の精密立体地図
- ALMA とは何か
- スペースVLBI観測のためのアップリンク周波数制御
- 少数の較正雑音波源を用いた自重変形による副反射鏡変位量の一推定法
- B-1-199 少数の較正雑音波源を用いた自重変形による副反射鏡変位量の一推定法
- B-1-198 衛星はるか搭載大型アンテナの軌道上性能に関する考察