Nara Inst. Of Sci. And Technol. Nara Jpn | 論文
- Increasing the Copy Number of rbcL Genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Chloroplast Genome Affects neither Cell Proliferation nor Distribution of Pyrenoid Antigens to Rubisco Holoenzyme Antibody
- Synthesis of Rubisco gene products is upregulated by increasing the copy number of rbcL gene in Chlamydomonas chloroplast genome, without increased accumulation of the two Rubisco subunits
- Naringin Glycosides α-Glucosylated on Ring B Found in the Natural Food Additive, Enzymatically Modified Naringin
- 酵素処理イソクエルシトリン及び酵素処理ルチン(抽出物)の成分分析
- Analysis of the functional regions of tobacco homeodomain proteins
- Functional analysis of the tobacco homeobox gene, NTH15, by a glucocorticoid-inducible system
- An Efficient Analysis of Worst Case Flush Timings for Branch Predictors
- An Efficient Analysis of Worst Case Flush Timings for Branch Predictors
- Reducing Processor Usage on Heavily-Loaded Network Servers with POSIX Real-Time Scheduling Control(System Programs)
- Ectopic Expression of a Tobacco Homeobox Gene, NTH15, Dramatically Alters Leaf Morphology and Hormone Levels in Transgenic Tobacco
- Biological function of homeobox gene(NTH15) from tobacco
- Effect of N-terminal Residues on the Structural Stability of Recombinant Horse L-chain Apoferritin in an Acidic Environment
- Performance Analysis of Source-Destination ARQ Scheme for Multiroute Coding in Wireless Multihop Networks(Terrestrial Radio Communications)
- Characterization of Cell Death in Rice Cultured Cells Induced by Pseudomonas avenae
- Short-route Synthesis of a Glycerophospholipid Bearing an Unsaturated Acyl Group at the sn-1 Position
- Development of an Interference Canceller in Satellite Communications Using a Multi-Level Modulation with Superposed Transmission
- A matched filter based round-trip delay measurement method for bi-directional satellite communication system with superposed transmission(Transmission Technology)
- A Test Generation Framework using Checker Circuits and its Application to Path Delay Test Generation
- A Broadside Test Generation Method for Transition Faults in Partial Scan Circuits