Nagoya Institute of technology | 論文
- 杭-周面摩擦,閉塞((7)杭,6.地盤と構造物,第44回地盤工学研究発表会)
- アルミ棒積層体を用いた2次元模型実験(模型実験の動向)
- 3.モデルおよび数値解析手法(第16回国際地盤工学会議(大阪)・第2回日中地盤工学シンポジウム(上海))
- 2d.トンネル(第16回国際地盤工学会議(大阪)・第2回日中地盤工学シンポジウム(上海))
- Efficient Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms with Flexible-Step Crossover
- A Simulation Study on the Form of Fish Schooling for Escape from Predator
- Niobium Oxide Electrochromic Thin Films Prepared by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering
- Nickel Oxide Electrochromic Thin Films Prepared by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering
- Global Signal Elimination and Local Signals Enhancement from EM Radiation Waves Using Independent Component Analysis
- Saccade-related independent component in visually and auditorily guided saccade task
- ウェーブレット解析を用いた地震前兆電磁波放射の検出
- ULF帯およびELF帯による紀伊半島沖地震, 新潟中越地震の電磁波放射について
- Na/Ca variability in coral skeletons
- Correlation of Mass Transfer Volumetric Coefficient with Power Input in Stirred Liquid-Liquid Dispersions
- 20002 Investigation of Failure Probability of Frame Structure with Some Common Probability Distributions
- 1A-O-6 Localization and fiber type specific expression of carnitine/organic cation transporter (OCTN2) in skeletal muscles(The Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meetings of Japan Society Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 31 August 1, (Kagoshima))
- 工学部の創造性育成教育におけるデザイン能力評価のためのフレームワークの提案と実践
- Shape Recovery of Glossy Surface from Shading Image and its Directional Derivatives
- 福岡県西方沖地震M7.0における前兆電磁波放射現象の観測
- 信号処理によるELF帯環境電磁波異常と地殻異常の検出(信号処理,符号化,知的マルチメディアシステム,一般)