Nagaoka Univ. Technol. Niigata Jpn | 論文
- The Characteristics and the Potential of Super Resolution Near-Field Structure
- New Method for Observation of Interface States in the Semiconductor Band-Gap : XPS Measurements under Biases(Interfaces by various techniques)
- Direct Spectroscopic Evidence of Bias-Induced Shifts of Semiconductor Band Edges for Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Diodes
- Experimental Corroboration for a Ferrite-Core Model of High-T_c Bulk Superconductor Lenses (Supertrons)
- Optical Properties of an InGaAlAs/InP Type-II Superlattice
- Type I/Type II Transition in InGaAlAs/InP Multiple Quantum Well Structures Grown by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Measurement of Organic Matter on Si Wafer by Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy
- Growth of Native Oxide and Accumulation of Organic Matter on Bare Si Wafer in Air
- Electroabsorption in an AlInAs/InP Type II Superlattice
- Study of Si Etch Rate in Various Composition of SC1 Solution
- Colony formation and fatty acid composition of marine labyrinthulid isolates grown on agar media
- Molecular Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of the Gene Coding for Chloroplast-type Ferredoxin from the Dinoflagellates Peridinium bipes and Alexandrium tamarense
- There Are 4 Introns in the Gene Coding the DNA-binding Protein HCc of Crypthecodinium cohnii (Dinophyceae)
- New Nonvolatile Analog Memories for Analog Data Processing
- New Nonvolatile Analog Memories for Building Associative Memories
- Effect of Y-Doping on Resistance Degradation of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Ni Electrodes under the Highly Accelerated Life Test
- Aging Behavior of Ni-Electrode Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with X7R Characteristics
- Inactivation of Bacillus Subtilis Spores by a Combination of Hydrostatic High-Pressure and Pulsed Electric Field Treatments
- Importance Sampling for TCM Scheme over Non-Gaussian Noise Channel
- Spreading of Water Drop on Geometrical Rough Surface Formed by Photolithography