Nagano Nanshin Agricultural Experiment station | 論文
- Bait twig method for soil detection of Rosellinia necatrix, causal agent of white root rot of Japanese pear and apple, at an early stage of tree infection
- First report of celery stunt anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum simmondsii in Japan
- Hot water treatment of Japanese pear trees is effective against white root rot caused by Rosellinia necatrix Prillieux
- Ascospores of the Japanese pear scab fungus (Venturia nashicola Tanaka & Yamamoto) are discharged during the day
- Black spot disease of alstroemeria caused by Alternaria alstroemeriae in Japan
- Bacterial brown spot on Avena storigosa Schereb. caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. alisalensis