NTT Software Laboratories | 論文
- Large-scale Distributed Processing System Using Loop Networks
- Low Exponent Attacks against the Schwenk-Eisfeld Cryptoscheme and Signature
- A Traffic-Adaptive Dynamic Routing Method and Its Performance Evaluation (Special Issue on Internet Technology and Its Applications)
- Extension of Rabin Cryptosystem to Eisenstein and Gauss Fields
- Deriving Protocols from Message Sequence Charts in a Communicating Processes Model
- Communication Processing Techniques for Multimedia Servers (Special Issue on Multimedia on Demand)
- An n^3u Upper Bound on the Complexity for Deciding the Truth of a Presburger Sentence Involving Two Variables Bounded Only by Existential Quantifiers
- A Clock Distribution Technique with an Automatic Skew Compensation Circuit
- Impact of Packet Spacing Time on Packet Loss under Loss Window Size for FEC-Based Applications (Special Issue on Internet Technology and Its Applications)
- Impact of Packet Spacing Time on Packet Loss under LW for QoS of FEC-based Applications
- Multi-agent System for Efficiently Propagating Information through and across Conjunctive Communities (特集:マルチメディア通信と分散処理)
- Fully Abstract Models for Communicating Processes with respect to Weak Linear Semantics with Divergence
- 帰納論理プログラミングを用いたTwitterからのルール抽出(「コンテキストを意識した知識の利用」及び一般)
- Critical Slice-Based Fault Localization for Any Type of Error
- 多値ディジタル無線方式における伝搬ひずみの影響
- Feature and Sentiment Based Opinion Mining and Summarizing on Twitter
- Feature and Sentiment Based Opinion Mining and Summarizing on Twitter