NTT Service Integration Laboratories | 論文
- Usage of Network-Level Dynamic Priority and Its Comparison with Static Priority(Network)
- B-12-5 Flexible backup methods in GMPLS networks
- Call Admission Control with QoS Class Modification
- Extending Black Domain Name List by Using Co-occurrence Relation between DNS Queries
- BS-3-10 Study of Multicast Routing Algorithms for Optimizing Tree Cost and MPLS Labels(BS-3. Management and Control Technologies for Innovative Networks)
- Network Design Methods for Minimizing Number of Links Added to a Network to Alleviate Performance Degradation Following a Link Failure
- B-12-21 Hierarchically Distributed Management for GMPLS Shared Risk Link Group
- A Method to Reduce Inter-ISP Transit Cost Caused by Overlay Routing Based on End-to-End Network Measurement
- Mobile-carrier Choice Modeling Framework Under Competitive Conditions
- Suppression of Parasitic Bipolar Action and Improvement of Hot-Carrier Reliability in Fully-Depleted Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors on SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted Oxygen) Introducing Recombination Centers near Source Juncti
- A Method to Reduce Inter-ISP Transit Cost Caused by Overlay Routing Based on End-to-End Network Measurement