NTT Cyber Space Laboratories | 論文
- Using A Least Squares Filter to Improve the Binarization of Stripy Patterns (第3回International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology(IWAIT2000)〔英文〕)
- Digital Holographic Memory Using Two-Dimensional Modulation Code
- Mechanism of the sweep sounds perceived in a regular-shaped reverberation room
- Mechanism of the low-speed sweep sound perceived in a regular-shaped reverberation room
- 高解像度パノラマ映像とアンビエント5.1ch音声を用いた臨場感主観評価実験(映像/音声サービスの品質,メディア品質,ネットワークの品質・QoS制御,次世代/新世代ネットワークアーキテクチャ,五感情報通信,一般)
- Sweep sounds perceived in a rectangular parallelepiped reverberation room