Museum of Nature and Human Activities | 論文
- 鹿児島市慈眼寺公園におけるアリの種構成と優占種
- Multiple Factors Maintaining High Species-Specificity in Macaranga-Crematogaster (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Myrmecophytism: Higher Mortality in Mismatched Ant-Seedling Pairs
- Gynodioecy in Salvia omerocalyx Hayata (Lamiaceae)
- Biosystematic Studies on the Family Tofieldiaceae IV. Taxonomy of Tofieldia coccinea in Japan and Korea Including a New Variety
- Molecular Phylogeny and Taxonomy of the Genus Disporum (Colchicaceae)
- Two-year cycles of synchronous acorn and leaf production in biennial-fruiting evergreen oaks of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis (Quercus, Fagaceae)