Musashi Institute of Technology | 論文
- APP-07: Bonding of Mechanically Alloyed Powder and Magnesium Alloy by Compressive Deformation(APP-I: ADVANCED POWDER PROCESSING TECHNIQUE)
- APP-06: Experimental Analysis of Flow, Stress and Strain Distribution in Powder Compaction by Flat Rolling(APP-I: ADVANCED POWDER PROCESSING TECHNIQUE)
- APP-11: Mechnical Alloying of Mg-Al-Zn Powder Mixture using Magnesium Alloy Turning Chips(APP-II: ADVANCED POWDER PROCESSING TECHNIQUE)
- IMP-14: Study on Impact Property of Honeycomb Core and Roll Core Sandwich Panels by Drop Weight Test(IMP-II: IMPACT BEHAVIOR OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES)
- Outline of Trends and Views on Vehicle Safety
- A Study on Valve Recession Caused by Non-leaded Gasoline : Measurement by means of R. I.
- Effect of the Piston Ring Shape on the Ring-Stick of an Air Cooled 2-Stroke Diesel Engine
- 学会にビッグバンを
- 映像との同期を考慮した話速変換方式の一検討
- 音声認識技術の放送への応用 (特集 音声技術--お年寄り・障害者にやさしい音声サ-ビスをめざして)
- 母音列に基づき辞書照合を行う日本語音声認識 (特集 音声技術--お年寄り・障害者にやさしい音声サ-ビスをめざして)
- 任意発声データに対する発音記号列を用いた離散分布HMMの話者適応化法
- Investigation Committee on 'Evaluation Technology for Interaction between Radiation and Polymeric Materials'
- Investigation on Solidification Process Fracture Surface Observation of Aluminum Alloy Welds Specimen Broken by High Speed Breaking Test
- Effects of Metal Vapor for Temperature Distribution of Transient Arc in Pulsed TIG Welding
- On the Design of Planar Mechanisms with Consideration of Interferences of Moving Links
- 10-7 放送番組におけるCMの量的及び質的評価について : 日米欧比較(第10部門 ヒューマンインフォメーション1)
- Studies on the Noncircular Planetary Gear Mechanisms
- On the Positioning by a Linear Induction Motor