Molecular Photoscience Research Center Kobe University | 論文
- 1P-029 時間領域テラヘルツ分光法でみる低振動領域におけるタンパク質の動力学転移(蛋白質-構造機能相関,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P-015 タンパク質の低振動ダイナミクス : 時間領域テラヘルツ分光によるアプローチ(蛋白質・構造(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Electric Polarization Induced by Néel Order without Magnetic Superlattice: Experimental Study of Cu3Mo2O9 and Numerical Study of a Small Spin Cluster
- Anomalous Spin Dynamics Observed by High-Frequency ESR in Honeycomb Lattice Antiferromagnet InCu2/3V1/3O3
- Metabolic Engineering of the Chl d-Dominated Cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina : Production of a Novel Chl Species by the Introduction of the Chlorophyllide a Oxygenase Gene
- Vibrational Transition Frequency Fluctuation of the NO Stretching Mode of Sodium Nitroprusside in Aqueous Solutions
- High Field ESR Study of BaCu_2(Si_Ge_x)_2O_7 Single Grystal
- 1E1546 テラヘルツ時間領域分光を用いた天然および変性状態タンパク質における低振動スペクトルの水和および温度依存性の観測(蛋白質-物性I,口頭発表,日本生物物理学会第50回年会(2012年度))
- Magnetization and High-Frequency EMR Measurements on the Lithium-Ion Battery Substance LiMn2O4
- Thermally Induced Changes in the Structure, Composition, and Chemical Properties of LiMn2O4 ± x Spinel Prepared by Sol–Gel Method
- Vibrational Mode Assignment in the Terahertz Frequency Region by Isotope Shift : Anthracene in Solid State