Mizusawa VERA Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | 論文
- Multi-Epoch VERA Observations of H_2O Masers in OH 43.8-0.1
- VERA Observation of the W 49N H_2O Maser Outburst in 2003 October
- First Fringe Detection with VERA's Dual-Beam System and Its Phase-Referencing Capability
- J-Net Galactic-Plane Survey of VLBI Radio Sources for VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA)
- Antennacluster-Antennacluster VLBI for Study of the Core-Mantle Coupling
- A Bipolar Outflow of the M-Type Giant IRC-10414 Traced by H_2O Maser Emission
- Variable Asymmetry of the Circumstellar Envelope in IK Tauri Traced by SiO Maser Emission
- VERA Observations of SiO Masers in the Symbiotic Star R Aquarii
- VLBI Astrometry of AGB Variables with VERA : A Semiregular Variable S Crateris
- Distance to VY Canis Majoris with VERA
- SiO Maser Observations toward Orion-KL with VERA
- Distance to NGC 281 in a Galactic Fragmenting Superbubble : Parallax Measurements with VERA
- Astrometry of H_2O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA III : IRAS 22198+6336 in Lynds 1204G
- Dual-Beam Delay Calibration for VERA
- Astrometry of H_2O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA II SVS 13 in NGC 1333
- Astrometry of H_2O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA I : IRAS 16293-2422 in ρ Oph East
- Distance to Orion KL Measured with VERA
- Astrometry of Galactic Star-Forming Region Sharpless 269 with VERA : Parallax Measurements and Constraint on Outer Rotation Curve
- Absolute Proper Motions of H_2O Masers Away from the Galactic Plane Measured with VERA in the "Superbubble" Region NGC 281
- VERA Observations of H_2O Maser Sources in Three Massive Star-Forming Regions and Galactic Rotation Measurements