Mitsubishi Chemical Group Science And Technology Research Center Inc. | 論文
- イオン液体のリチウム二次電池への応用
- A Novel Preparation of Tungsten Carbide Particles with High Specific Surface Area by Carburizing Tungsten Sulfides
- ジメチルスルフォキシド中での酸化イリジウム電極による電位差測定
- Efficient Photocycloreversion Reaction of Diarylethenes by Introduction of Cyano Subsutituents to the Reactive Carbons
- In situ Monitoring of Anodic Oxidation of Aluminum Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance:Estimation of the Water Content from an Isotopic Effect (論文特集号 電解科学技術の進展)
- Absorption Spectra of Colored Isomer of Diarylethene in Single Crystals
- 受賞記念講演会シリーズ(平成18年度技術賞) シリカオルガノゾルを耐圧向上剤として使用したアルミ電解コンデンサの開発
- 25pGP-1 趣旨説明(25pGP 領域12シンポジウム:光化学系IIにおける酸素発生中心,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- Synthesis and Optical Properties, Including Two-Photon Absorption Cross-Sections, of Differentially Functionalized Starburst-Type π-Conjugated Molecules
- New Green and Red Phosphors for White LEDs
- 26pPSB-17 水の酸化反応を触媒する2核Mn錯体の理論的研究(26pPSB 領域12ポスターセッション,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- Synthesis of Sr_Eu_AlSiN_3 from intermetallic precursor
- 27pGV-6 単一分子の円二色性分光(27pGV 化学物理,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- Nearly Ideal Current--Voltage Characteristics of Schottky Barrier Diodes Formed on Hydride-Vapor-Phase-Epitaxy-Grown GaN Free-Standing Substrates
- Role of Amorphous Region on the Deformation Behavior of Crystalline Polymers
- Temperature Dependence of Physical Constants of Monofluorinated Propylene Carbonate as Highly Polar Liquid
- Electrolytic Properties of Ethyl Fluoroethyl Carbonate and Its Application to Lithium Battery
- Polar Effect of Successive Fluorination of Dimethyl Carbonate on Physical Properties
- Physical Properties of Monofluorodimethyl Carbonate
- Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Intensity Oscillations during Ge_xSi_ MBE Growth on Si(001) Substrates