Mitsubishi Chemical Group Science And Technology Research Center Inc. | 論文
- 2P290 Theoretical Study on IR Spectra of Photosystem II(The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- Blue Phosphorescent Iridium(III) Complex. A Reaction Path on the Triplet Potential Energy Surface
- Direct Observation of Cation Radicals of a Diarylethene during Oxidative Ring-opening Reaction
- Physical Properties of Substituted 1,3-Dioxolan-2-ones
- 回転電極を用いた非水電解液中のフッ化水素の高感度検出
- 4V 級リチウムイオン二次電池におけるレッドクス・メディエータの過充電防止剤への応用
- Studies on Phase Change Characteristics of Binary Mixtures of Erythritol and MgCl_2・6H_2O
- New PCMs Prepared from Erythritol-Polyalcohols Mixtures for Latent Heat Storage between 80 and 100℃
- Effect of Ultrasonic Irradiation Parameters on the Supercooling Relaxation Behavior of PCM
- Influence of Ultrasonic Irradiation on the Solidification Behavior of Erythritol as a PCM
- Relaxation of Supercooling of Erythritol for Latent Heat Storage
- A Study of Trimethylolethane Hydrate as a Phase Change Material
- シリカオルガノゾルを耐圧向上剤として使用したアルミ電解コンデンサの開発
- 電解液添加剤としてシリカオルガノゾルを用いたアルミ電解コンデンサの特性
- カルボン酸3級および4級アンモニウム塩のガンマ-ブチロラクトン中におけるイオン会合の比較〔英文〕
- Thermally Stimulated Currents by Charge-Generation Layer Excitation in Azo-based Layered Organic Photoconductors
- Cross-Linked Poled Polymer : Poling and Thermal Stability
- Thermally Reversible Photochromism of Pyrazole Derivatives
- Synthesis of Y(P, V)O_4:Eu^ Red Phosphor by Spray Pyrolysis without Postheating
- Light-Controlled Selective Metal Deposition on a Photochromic Diarylethene Film : Toward New Applications in Electronics and Photonics