Max-Planck-Institut fur Metallforschung | 論文
- 液相焼結時の粒子合体
- Measurement of the Zener Relaxation in High-Purity FeCr Single Crystals
- 28a-E-3 低温電子線照射による金表面でのナノサイズの溝の自己組織化
- Dislocation Modelling of Fatigue Cracks: An Overview
- アルミナとニッケルおよびニッケル-イットリウム合金の固相接合強度
- 塑性変型した炭素鋼の応力付加時および焼きもどし後のX線的微視的残留応力の挙動
- Effect of Metallurgical factors on Grain Boundary segregation of Solute Atoms in Iron
- Composition Dependence of the Zener Relaxation in High-Purity FeCr Single Crystals
- Quenching Studies of Lattice Vacancies in High-Purity Aluminium
- The Flow-Stress Asymmetry of Ultra-Pure Molybdenum Single Crystals
- Comparison of Flow-Stress Measurements on High-Purity Tungsten Single Crystals with the Kink-Pair Theory
- Four generations of high-voltage electron microscopes
- 水素吸蔵材料の水素吸放出反応