Max-Planck-Institut fur Metallforschung | 論文
- Projected Potential Profiles across Intergranular Glassy Films(Characterization,Guest Editors Dedicated to Prof. Gunter Petzow: Modern Trends in Advanced Ceramics)
- From the physics of confined fluids to a mechanism for gating in ion channels (2nd Mini-Symposium on Liquids--Van der Waals描像の周辺)
- 1p-KE-7 鉄中のミュオンの拡散
- Electron-Irradiation-Induced Amorphization in Mo/Si Nano-Multilayer Material
- 413 Tersoffポテンシャル,TB法,第一原理計算によるシリコンき裂先端場の解析(GS-1 分子動力学法)
- I. セラミックス強度材料 電子エネルギーフィルタリングによるβ-Si_3N_4の結晶粒界の元素マッピング
- Nucleation, Relaxation and Redistribution of Si Layers in GaAs
- 25pY-2 FCC金属の低温電子線照射下での新たな照射損傷現象
- 26a-T-2 低温電子線照射によって金・銀・銅表面に形成されたナノサイズパターン
- 30p-YE-1 電子線照射によって金表面に形成されたナノサイズパターンの面方位依存性
- Novel binary and ternary phases in the Si-C-N system(SiAlons and Non-oxides)
- フッ素添加Si_3N_4-SiCセラミックスの機械的性質に及ぼす界面構造の影響
- First electron spectroscopic imaging experiments on the new JEOL 2010 FEF
- Strength of Solid State Bonded Alumina/Nickel and Alumina/Nickel-Yttrium Alloy
- Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Superlattice
- Advances in High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
- 30a-G-7 鉄中のミュオンの拡散
- Quantitative diffractometry at 0.1 nm resolution for testing lenses and recording media of a high-voltage atomic resolution microscope
- Optimization of TEM specimen preparation by double-sided ion beam thinning under low angles
- Advances in energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy