Matsushita Electric Ind. Co. Ltd. Kyoto Jpn | 論文
- Solid Breakdown Process from Viewpoint of Nature of Pre-Breakdown Current in Polymeric Insulating Materials
- High-Field Conduction and Electrical Breakdown of Polyethylene at High Temperatures
- Consideration on Filamentary Thermal Breakdown by Measuring Pre-Breakdown Current in Solid Dielectrics
- New Approach to Breakdown Study by Measuring Pre-Breakdown Current in Insulating Materials
- Increase of Central Ion Temperature after Carbon Pellet Injection in Ne-Seeded NBI Discharges of LHD
- 732 トンネル内の局所的温度変化によるパルス音の伝播・放射特性への影響(噴流・圧縮性流れ・音響)
- 1203 局所高温度領域をもつトンネルにおける音の伝播・放射(OS12-1 トンネルの空気力学、換気、火災(高速鉄道),OS12 トンネルの空気力学、換気、火災,オーガナイズドセッション)
- 253 トンネル内の高温度領域によるパルス音放射特性への影響(G05-4 流体騒音,G05 流体工学)
- 717 ダクト内高温度領域付加によるパルス音の放射特性への影響(流体音響・超音速流,学術講演)
- 1620 ダクト開口端からの衝撃音の放射特性
- 外部空洞部を複数並置した円形ダクトにおける放射音場特性(流体工学,流体機械)
- Chemical and Structural Characterization of Cu(In, Ga)Se_2/Mo Interface in Cu(In, Ga)Se_2 Solar Cells
- Surface Characterization of Chemically Treated Cu(In, Ga)Se_2 Thin Films
- Low-Temperature Preparation of Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3 Thin Filmson (Pb,La)TiO_3 Buffer Layer by Multi-Jon-Beam Sputtering
- Preparation of Pb-Based Ferroelectric Thin Films at Room Temperature Using Excimer-Laser-Assisted Multi-Ion-Beam Sputtering
- Characterization of Pb(Zr, Ti)O_3 Thin Films Prepared by Multi-Ion-Beam Sputtering
- Ferroelectric PbTiO_3 Thin Films Prepared by Multi-Ion-Beam Sputter and Ion-Assisted Deposition
- Analysis of Radial Electric Field Bifurcation in LHD Based on Neoclassical Transport Theory
- 30aUD-11 Upgraded 2d phase contrast imaging system for characterization of spatial profiles of low and high k turbulence on LHD
- Bifurcation of Heat Transport in High Temperature Plasma(Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, and beams)