Marine Ecosystems Research Department Japan Marine Science And Technology Center (jamstec) | 論文
- First record of an association between a phyllosoma larva and a Prayid siphonophore
- 深海潜水調査船が見た頭足類-IV. : 世界で初めて見たヒレギレイカの遊泳
- 日本周辺海域における端脚目クラゲノミ亜目全出現種リスト(短報)
- 八重山諸島石西礁湖南方の底質・生物分布の特徴(10.炭酸塩岩の起源と地球環境)
- PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF DEEP-SEA MUSSELS (BATHYMODIOLUS, MYTILIDAE, BIVALVIA)(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Genetic Differentiation of Populations of a Hydrothermal Vent-Endemic Gastropod, Ifremeria nautilei, between the North Fiji Basin and the Manus Basin revealed by Nucleotide Sequences of Mitochondrial DNA : Animal Diversity and Evolution
- Life Habit of Vesicomyid Clam, Calyptogena soyoae, and Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration in Interstitial Waters in Sagami Bay, Japan
- 深海潜水調査船が見た頭足類I : 変わったイカの変わったポーズ
- A New Species of Osedax (Annelida: Siboglinidae) Associated with Whale Carcasses off Kyushu, Japan(Taxonomy)
- Symbionts of marine medusae and ctenophores
- Redescription of the megalopa of Plagusia dentipes (Brachyura: Plagusiidae) from Japan
- ビデオでみる相模湾のプラネットアース表層, 中・深層に生息するプランクトンとベントスたち
- 全海洋動物プランクトンセンサス (Census of Marine Zooplankton : CMarZ) の成果と展望
- Discovery of Vestimentiferan Tube-worms in the Euphotic Zone
- Trophic Shift in the Japanese Anchovy Engraulis japonicus in its Early Life History Stages as Detected by Stable Isotope Rations in Sagami Bay, Central Japan
- First Hydrothermal Vent Communities from the Indian Ocean Discovered(Ecology)
- PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS AND INTRASPECIFIC VARIATIONS OF DEEP-SEA MUSSELS(Taxonomy and Systematics)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS AMONG Bathymodiolus SPECIES BY TWO-DIMENSIONAL GEL ELECTROPHORESIS OF PROTEINS AND BY NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCING OF mtDNA(Taxonomy and Systematics)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- Sulfur Isotope Composition of Soft Tissues of Deep-sea Mussels, Bathymodiolus spp., in Japanese Waters
- 相模湾に出現する中・深層性刺胞動物ならびに有櫛動物の目録 : 潜水調査船と無人探査機によって採集された種類(1993-2004年)