Marine Ecology Research Institute | 論文
- Estrogenic activity in coastal areas around Japan evaluated by measuring male serum vitellogenins in Japanese common goby Acanthogobius flavimanus
- 日本から記録されたマカフシギウオ(新称)のKasidoron期仔魚(硬骨魚綱,フシギウオ科)
- ペルシャ湾から採集されたボラ科メナダ属の1新種
- Seasonality of serum levels of vitellogenin in male Japanese whiting, Sillago japonica, reared under natural temperature and photoperiod
- Induction of spermatogenesis in Japanese eel by recombinant goldfish gonadotropins
- Changes in spawning characteristics of Japanese whiting Sillago japonica under control of temperature
- Accumulation of Radioiodine by Marine Fishes
- A megapterygium larva of Discoverichthys praecox (Aulopiformes : Ipnopidae) from the tropical western Pacific
- Distribution of minke whales in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas (60°W-120°W), with special reference to environmental/physiographic variables
- Rocky shore turfs dominated by Corallina (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) in northern Japan
- ^Cs Concentrations in the Muscles of Walleye Pollack
- Fisheries Biology of the Gadids from Sendai Bay and Adjacent Waters, with Special Reference to the Walleye Pollock
- Population Biology of the Forked Hake, Laemonema longipes (Schmidt), off the Eastern Coast of Honshu, Japan
- 175 ^Cs concentration in Stingray (Dasyatis Akajei)(Environmental effects of radiation, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Record of Ipnops sp. (Ipnopidae : Aulopiformes) from northern Japan
- Study on Station Square Development at Hub Stations
- 発電所冷却水による閉鎖性内湾の流動・水質環境改善の可能性について