Marine Biosystems Research Center, Chiba University | 論文
- SSU rRNA遺伝子の配列より推定した分子系統に基づくウシケノリ目植物(紅色植物門)の分類形質の復元
- Dark respiration of the stipe of Ecklonia cava (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) in relation to temperature
- Growth of Ecklonia cava (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) sporophytes transplanted to a locality with different temperature conditions
- 日本におけるハイクラゲ再発見と日本産ハイクラゲ類の概説
- 本州太平洋岸のミル類海藻を利用する嚢舌目ウミウシ
- Mathematical equivalence of geometric mean fitness with probabilistic optimization under environmental uncertainty
- Do spatial effects appear at low dilution rate in chemostat?
- Population dynamics of Müllerian mimicry under interspecific competition
- Evolution of gamete size in primitive taxa without mating types
- Power Law for Extinction Process in Multiple Contact Process(Physics of elementary particles and fields)
- Spatial coexistence of phytoplankton species in ecological timescale
- Spatial coexistence of phytoplankton species in ecological timescale (SPECIAL FEATURE: Applications of dynamical systems theory to population ecology)
- Site Selection, Wall Development and Biogeography of Galkinia indica, an Indo-west Pacific Coral-Inhabiting Barnacle
- 4. 日本産ハイクラゲ類(日本動物分類学会第38会大会講演抄録)
- 15. ジュウモンジクラゲKishinouyea nagatensis (Oka 1897)とササキクラゲSasakiella cruciformis Okubo 1917の近縁性(日本動物分類学会第36回大会講演抄録)
- 日本初記録の五放射ヒドロクラゲとその無性生殖
- 6. 第2の有刺胞櫛クラゲの発見(動物分類学会第30回大会記事)
- 刺胞をもつクシクラゲ Haechelia(=Euchlora)rubra(Kolliker,1853)の房総・小湊における記録
- ギンカクラゲPorpita porpitaの生活史(予報)
- 北海道忍路における十文字クラゲ類の季節消長(行動・生態学)