Laboratory of Racing Chemistry | 論文
- ウマ(サラブレッド種)各組織におけるc-ski遺伝子の発現について
- Differentiation and Maturation of Equine Erythroid Cells from Peripheral Blood in a Two Phase Liquid Culture System
- Differentiation and Maturation of Equine Erythroid Cells from Peripheral Blood in a Two Phase Liquid Culture System
- ウマの卵胞発育過程におけるインヒビン/アクチビンサブユニット,アロマターゼおよび3β-ヒデロキシステロイド脱水素酵素の発現
- LPSとサイトカインで刺激されたウマ培養細胞におけるNO産生
- Effect of Complex Formation on the Intestinal Absorption of Tryptophan
- Studies on Molecular Interaction of Organic Molecules in Solution. I. Effects of Solvent on Molecular Interaction of Salicylic Acid with Caffeine
- New Sulfur-containing Metabolites of Caffeine
- Detection of Amphetamine and Related Amines in Urine by Gas Chromatography and Combined Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry of Methylated Xanthines
- Oligo糖および単糖硫酸エステルの薬品的研究(第1報) : 二糖類硫酸エステルの抗ペプシン作用と実験的消化性潰瘍抑制作用について
- Effects of Exercise on Plasma Concentrations of Caffeine and Its Metabolites in Horses
- Pharmacokinetics of Caffeine and Its Metabolites in Horses after Intravenous, Intramuscular or Oral Administration
- 高速液体クロマトグラフィーによるニワトリ組織中のフラゾリドンの定量
- A New Metabolite of Tetracaine
- 尿中Tetracaine N-Oxide のガスクロマトグラフィーによる定量法
- 輸送ストレスが雌馬のLHおよびFSH分泌に及ぼす影響について;予備的検討
- Glycosylation of the Alpha and Beta Tubulin by Sialyloligosaccharides(Biochemistry)
- Pharmacokinetics of Penciclovir after Oral Administration of Its Prodrug Famciclovir to Horses
- Increased concentrations of protein gene product 9.5 in the synovial fluid from horses with osteoarthritis