Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University | 論文
- Isovector E2/E0 Strength in ^Si Studied by the (e, e' n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Se-Atom Incorporation in Fullerene and the MD Simulation(II. Radiochemistry)
- 6a-H-7 ^Amのα崩壊に伴う制動輻射の測定
- 25aZA-5 重陽子内部標的用スピンフィルター型偏極度計のテスト(イオン源ターゲットなど,実験核物理,理論核物理合同招待講演,実験核物理)
- Test Operation of Spin-Filter Polarimeter for Deuteron(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^C(e, e'p) Cross Sections at Low Momentum Transfer With Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of (e, e' α) Reaction on ^9Be(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 30aSG-9 偏極重陽子内部標的用ラムシフト型偏極度計の開発2
- Study of ^C(e, e' p) Reaction at an Energy Transfer of 60 MeV(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Momentum Distribution of η Meson on A (γ, η) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- ストレッチャ-・ブ-スタリングの制御系
- Excitation of Double Giant Resonance in ^Ca by (γ, n) reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Measurement of Evaporation Residue and Fission Cross Sections of the Reaction ^Si + ^U at Subbarrier Energies
- Orientation effects of deformed ^U target nuclei on the fusion probability for heavy element synthesis(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Nuclear Physics Using Electron Beams (小特集 Laser Nuclear Physics)
- Hole Distribution in (Sr,Ca,Y,La)_Cu_O_ Compounds Studied by X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Electronic Structure of B-2p State in AlB_2 Single Crystal : Direct Observation of pσ and pπ Density of States
- Optimum Arrangement of Resonator in Micro-bunch Free Electron Laser(III. Accelerator, Synchrotron Radiation, and Instrumentation)
- Microbunch Free Electron Laser Based on Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in the Millimeter Wavelength Region(III. Accelerator, Synchrotron Radiation, and Instrumentation)
- Prebunched Free Electron Laser Based on Coherent Transition Radiation(III. Accelerator, Synchrotron Radiation, and Instrumentation)