Laboratory of Biochemistry Faculty of Agriculture Nagoya University | 論文
- Arabidopsis UPF1 RNA Helicase for Nonsense-mediated mRNA Decay is Involved in Seed Size Control and is Essential for Growth
- TONSOKU is Expressed in S Phase of the Cell Cycle and its Defect Delays Cell Cycle Progression in Arabidopsis
- 2P129 NMRを用いたIre1pによるHAC1mRNA切断機構の解析(核酸-構造・物性,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Evidence for No Proteolytic Processing during Transport of Isocitrate Lyase into Glyoxysomes in Castor Bean Endosperm
- Spatial Patterns of Sucrose-Inducible and Polygalacturonic Acid-Inducible Expression of Genes That Encode Sporamin and β-Amylase in Sweet Potato : GENE STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION
- A Family of Potato Genes That Encode Kunitz-Type Proteinase Inhibitors : Structural Comparisons and Differential Expression : GENES STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION
- Subcellular Localization of the Sweet Potato Tuberous Root Storage Protein(Biological Chemistry)
- Transient Gene Expression in Plant Cells Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens: Application for the Analysis of Virulence Loci
- Analyses of Indole Acetic Acid and Abscisic Acid Contents in Nodules of Soybean Plants Bearing VA Mycorrhizas
- Transport of a Sweet Potato Storage Protein, Sporamin, to the Vacuole in Yeast Cells
- A Nuclear Factor That Binds to a Dyad-Symmetric Sequence with a CGTCA Motif in the 5'-Upstream Region of the Sweet Potato β-Amylase Gene
- Molecular Cloning of Vacuolar H^+-pyrophosphatase and Its Expression during the Development of Pear Fruit
- Changes in H^+-Pumps and a Tonoplast Intrinsic Protein of Vacuolar Membranes during the Development of Pear Fruit
- Characterization of Hexose Transporter for Facilitated Diffusion of the Tonoplast Vesicles from Pear Fruit
- Purification and Properties of NADP-Dependent Sorbitol-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase from Apple Seedlings
- Purification and Characterization of Two Sucrose Synthase Isoforms from Japanese Pear Fruit
- Characterization of a Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase of Tobacco Leaves That Is Associated with the Plasma Membrane and Is Inducible by Sucrose
- Participation of farnesol in the biosynthesis of ipomeamarone
- The mechanism supplying acetyl-CoA for terpene biosynthesis in sweet potato with black rot: Incorporation of acetate-2-^C, pyruvate-3-^C and citrate-2,4-^C into ipomeamarone