Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare | 論文
- Vibration Dose Disturbance Stage, and Examination Results and Subjective Symptoms in Vibration Syndrome
- Correlations among Examination Findings, Subjective Symptoms and Classification of Stages in Vibration Syndrome
- Critical Scaling Laws of Dynamic Structure Functions for Type I Intermittent Chaos
- Scaling Structures and Statistical Mechanics of Type I Intermittent Chaos : General and Mathematical Physics
- Fusaristatins A and B, Two New Cyclic Lipopeptides from an Endophytic Fusarium sp.
- アミノ酸分析へのカルボキシペプチダーゼC_Uの応用(第1報) : 固定化カルボキシペプチダーゼC_の調整とその酵素学的性質(発表論文抄録(1983年))
- q-Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena just after Band Crises
- Advective Diffusion of Particles in Rayleigh-Benard Convection
- Complete Remission of Pancreatic Cancer After Multiple Resections of Locally Pancreatic Recurrent Sites and Liver Metastasis : Report of a Case
- Onset of Liver Metastasis After Histologically Curative Resection of Pancreatic Cancer
- Power Spectra of Intermitternt Chaos Due to the Collapse of Period-3 Windows
- Preparation of Antibody to Lipoprotein Lipase(LPL) Using Synthetic Peptides Derived from LPL
- Preparation of Antibody to Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) Using Synthetic Peptides Derived from LPL
- アネキシン-V及び関連ペプチドの塞栓防御作用に関する研究
- Mechanism of the Effects of Dithiocarbamates on Excretion of Cadmium in Mice (Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Toxicology, and Environmental Health)
- Hydroxyproline-containing Citrus Esterase(第1報) : 精製および性質(発表論文抄録(1983年))
- プロテアーゼのインスリン様活性(第7報) : プロナーゼから得たN-サクシニル-L-トリアラニンp-ニトロアニリド水解酵素の活性部位(発表論文抄録(1983年))
- ジャズ・即興音楽ミュージシャンおよびその音楽の社会・経済的位置
- An intervention study to promote self-improvement of lifestyle in a Japanese community : a new health support program
- A comparative study of health-promoting lifestyles in agricultural and non-agricultural workers in Japan